Seeing a doctor regularly for checkups and screenings can help to keep children and adolescents healthy.
Seeing a doctor regularly for checkups and screenings can help to keep infants healthy.
Seeing a doctor regularly for checkups and screenings can help to keep children and adolescents healthy.
Seeing a doctor regularly for checkups and screenings can help to keep infants healthy.
The purpose of the Medicaid Quality Dashboard is to provide transparency and
accountability in the healthcare provided to Medicaid members.
Medicaid regularly monitors the performance of contracted managed care organizations (MCOs)
on a wide range of quality measures, including both HEDIS and non-HEDIS metrics
(Please note that this dashboard only applies to the managed care program and does not include Medicaid fee-for-service members).
The panel to your left shows quality measures grouped by domain of care. For each quality measure, results are reported for the most recent year, by
plan and statewide, along with trend information since measurement year (MY) 2015.
Trend information is not always available for all measures.
The metrics on this dashboard are displayed according to the measurement year.
Therefore, the MY2022 quality results reflect care that happened in calendar year 2022.
In addition, where available, a dashed line shows baseline data of the managed care program.
The baseline data is from MY2011 and reflects care that happened in 2011.
MY2021 was the first year LDH displayed stratified measures. To view stratified measures, check the box on the upper left.
Click a domain of care to show groups of stratified quality measures.
Stratified measures can be viewed based on race, ethnicity, and geography by clicking on each MCO's rate.
Please see the “How to Interpret Stratified Data” footnote on each stratified measure for more information.